Liberation through Music
The Sun Project
healing Music
Spiritual Scientific Research

Greetings & Warm Welcome
My name is Shahere, I'm a student of Life, Nature, Sound & all that is beautiful in creation. In this page I am presenting the essence of a variety of scientific studies I’ve been working on since 2013 to understand the unity found in Nature, Sound, Numbers & Geometry as Frequency and use this knowledge in Music Production for Awakening.
Since every single thing in our physical reality is in a state of motion/vibration, then every single thing has a frequency of operation, a pattern, a cycle or loop, and apparently everything (in nature) seems to work perfectly well together in perfect harmony. From this perspective it makes sense to find the common link(s) between All Life to better enhance our life experience and become more in Harmony with Nature & All creation on all levels.
This research project is intended to present an opportunity for people to experience UNITY consciousness through aligning Sound, Light & Geometry in perfect Harmony in real time presented through music production, DJing at gatherings,.parties & concerts for Awakening.
This idea I present came to me after a dream in 2013, after waking up I knew exactly what to do to achieve it. I sat down first thing after waking up and made a list of requirements for implementing this project ranging from scientific research on Frequency, Sound, and Light to researching available Software to use, to Hardware that can support the scale of this idea … also I had to work on my personal Spiritual state of being so I would integrate myself as part of the project.
The idea is not new, Egyptians have used this technique for thousands of years in Ancient times to maintain Harmony with Nature (connect though "Maat" - divine laws of nature) through carefully timed festivals, ceremonies & celebrations, however this knowledge has been lost through time … now being brought back in electronic form in the digital Age.
Through ancient time there has been an intimate relationship between Humans and Nature, however as civilisations rise and fall this connection gets lost & Rediscovered over & over again.
In Ancient times, the human being functioned through the Right brain, this allowed them have a direct connection with SOURCE consciousness of All things, through the past 13,000 years it has been the gradual shift from Right Brain to Left brain state of being, which is domination Physical Mind Energy driven consciousness … however, since few years back Earth has crossed the pivot point of regaining awareness of the Right brain functions, which is intuitive connection with SOURCE consciousness.
There are enormous initiative projects happening allover the world in every field to push this process forward and my project is another attempt for making this change happen in the world towards Self Realisation, Peace & Progress.
Personal background
I studied "Material Science, Engineering & Production Technology at The German
University in Cairo ... I'm also Sound Master, Musician since the age of 8, studied independently & academically at The Higher Institute for Arabic Music, Composer, Producer, Audio Systems Engineer, Sound Healer, Alchemist and more ... find more about me in the About section of the website.
My studies also extend to Energy Sciences (Spirituality), I have studied Biogeometry (Egyptian Science of Energy), and have studied Numerology, Astrology, Sacred Geometry, Alchemy & recently Vortex based Mathematics.
How it works
The idea is simple, and is based on TRINITY
Sound = Light = Geometry
- Music based on Numbers (1 to 9 and 432 system)
- Colors based on Numbers (frequency conversion from Sound to Light bands)
- Geometry based on Numbers (Sacred Geometric Shapes & Angles)
Pure Frequency
Music composed today is not pure or in perfect harmony because it is based on "Equal Temperament". To be able to play whole tone frequencies of Sound based on the Natural Harmonic Ratios we need to Re.Tuning Synthesizers & any instrument Sound we use like (Omnishere, Kontakt, NI Massive, NI FM ... ect) with special tuning files for each KEY that would produce perfect harmony between notes of the same scale.
The ratios I'm using for best perfect harmonic Sound is "Just Intonation" tuning.
Credit goes to Derrick Scott van Heerden (Indigo Aura) for his amazing work & book "Mathemagical Music Production" in which he explains very simply how all this is done & how it works ... Highly recommend purchasing & reading his books
Chakra Journey - Pure Frequencies Album
Color & Light
The 2nd aspect of the Trinity is Color & Light. Reading a scientific study made by Nick Anthony, the frequency of Color/Light is 40 octaves above the audible range to get the corresponding frequency which will be presented to people though LED light system in real time with the played notes, and third aspect of the show is to present the Cymatic form of the Sound frequency (frequencies) being played at the time … all together become the key to realizing unity in the Mind.
The music being played is “conscious” music meaning every note & beat is made intentionally for a specific intended purpose & feel that brings one closer in alignment with the original Self & the natural pure construction of the Human being.
Sacred Geometry & Design (Cymatics)
The 3rd aspect of the Project is the manifestation of Sound as Geometry which is called "Cymatics" the Art & Science of visualizing Sound, bring out the actual Real shape of the sound we hear for our eyes to see. This is done by placing a plate of water on top of a speaker & positioning a light & camera on top of the plate to capture the shape of the vibrations of Music/Sound.
Amazing examples can be found here,
Its VERY simple to create your own cymatic machine at home ... please check David Videos where he explains how he makes it.
Understanding the Relation between Sound & Geometry
Understanding the "Awakening Music" Chart
If you look at the main image above you'll find 3 Circles.
Left Circle: This circles has the relationship between Music notes or Sound & Colors as well as relationships between colors represented as Primary, Secondary & Tertiary color relations ... it can be seen as 24 Hours cycle, also 4 Seasons of the Year, can be divided as 4 to see the Energy Archetypes (King, Lover, Warrior, Magician) called sometime "The 4 Gateways" ... also you'll find the 12 Zodiac signs & the stages of the "Journey of the Soul" among many other hidden systems I'll leave it up to you to discover ... mediate on it to explore more if you wish. :)
Right Circle: This circle is used in Music & Djing, it is called "The circle of Fifths" & in the DJing world called "The Camelot Wheel" ... I colored it to reflect the colors represented in the Left Circle ... This circle basically explains the Harmonic relationship between each Note/Key, scale & the other to be able to play in beautiful harmony one song after another.
Middle Circle: This circle shows the relationship between Colors & Feelings ... also written in the middle are the elements of Music composition that I relate each color or feel with.
Top Left corner: These are the Chakra Vowel Sounds I came to know from the beautiful Jill Mattson ... Close your eyes and feel the vibration of each Chakra in your body as you say the Vowels.
Top Right corner: In this section I simply reduced all Tempo or Music Speed in BPM (beat per Minute) to numbers from 1 to 9 (Google: Reducing a Numerology Number) ... this can be used in many creative ways, the way I use it is to determine "number" of the current time I am starting my Music on & then choosing a appropriate BPM from the table that matches the Genre or Feel & mood of of music I'm playing at this time ... for example: starting to play at 12:16 pm, I reduce the numbers by adding them 1+2+1+6 = 10 =1, knowing Its 1 It gives me few options to play like 82 bpm. 91, 100, 109, 118, 127, 136 they all add to 1, so choose the Speed that is closer to the Music, Genre or mood you're feeling to play at this time at that place you're in
Please Feel Free to use this knowledge in whatever creative way you can, and feel free to share your experience wit me, would love to know how you are using it for yourself.
Further Research
Part of my scientific research I have made for the project is a survey with 144 participants from different age groups and different backgrounds, the goal of this survey is to make an assessment of the different directions and tastes of Music to the modern Human Being based on the Science of “Astrology”, and to explore the relationship between Zodiac signs, Color and Music in Human nature.
Journey of the Soul
(The Heros' Journey)
It came to my mind that the cycle of life also the cycle of the soul & can be represented in the Left wheel. For information about the Journey of the Souls please check the work of "Joseph Campbell" & the work of "Carl Yung"
If you are interested in this project & would like to connect, feel free to send me a message on whatsapp. I would be glad to connect with you.

by Derrick scott van heerden (Indigo Aura) Link:

by Derrick scott van heerden (Indigo Aura) Link: