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Meditation, the state of observing ones Self. It has shown great befits for the life & well being of people around the world in every culture and its effects has been observed for thousands of years.

but what is mediation ? 

Meditation is the the observation of our Natural Normal Eternal Condition as spiritual beings, it is also the observation of the condition(s) we are at in our physical life experience. 

When we observe we make a connection, become one with the creator and gain realizations through understanding ourselves.

You can mediate regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, mediation does not interfere with any ideology and is not a religious practice, it is a natural practice that human beings can do when at a relaxed state.

By Meditating we also connect to the Higher Mind, we connect with other forms of consciousness, connect with our Soul & God. This connection brings about a state of Peace, Bliss, Joy, Clarity, Understanding, Fulfillment and Alignment on all levels.


I have been blessed to learn & experience these tremendous positive & healing effects in my personal life and that inspired and  excited me to share it with you.

I found Some benefits from practicing Meditation are:

1- Connects us to our True Self and God.

2- Elevates your quality of Life.
3- Leads to experiencing a state of Peace, Joy, Happiness, Bliss, Balance, Fulfillment, Purpose & love for life.
4- Heals all diseases, rejuvenates & restores the Body, Mind & Emotions to optimum health.
5- Reliefs pain, regulates All physical body functions, balanced the body & restores Health.

6- Brings about excitement, joy, creativity, inspiration & solutions to our lives.
Meditation sheds Light & exposes unresolved emotional or mental or spiritual challenges for the person to be aware of & heal consciously for a healthier more fulfilling experience of Life.
8- A doorway that connects us to all other forms of life.

9- Enhances understanding & experience of the Laws of Creation & brings about solutions to daily challenges & world Problems.

10- Aids in the realization, understanding and growth of our Soul.

How to Meditate ?

The most fundamental & basic form of meditation is called "Anapanasati" which means to Be Mindfull of the Breath or to observe your breathing.

The Idea is to remain in the state of "observation" to the breath, to all thoughts & emotions watching them as they pass by. In this state there is total bliss, we elevate our energy higher and higher. We achieve that by closing all inputs & outputs of information in our body (eyes, hands, feet) and observe what is inside.

1- Sit in the most comfortable position

You can lay down, sit on a chair or stand up, which ever is most comfortable for you, you are your own guide.

2- Clasp your hands

Hold them together with fingers together Or hands on top of each other.
because it is said that 10% of Energy is transferred through our hands

3- Cross your feet

because it is said that 10% of Energy is transferred through your feet

4- Close your Eyes

It is said that 80% of our energy is transfer through our eyes

5- Just BE with your Natural - Normal Breath
Observe the breath without trying to control it, allow it to work effortlessly.


Your Breath works just fine, no need to control it or stress on it, only Let it Work without interfering ... The more you are able to Trust the Breath & Relax that it works Perfectly the more you trust GOD & Nature & will Go deeper into Bliss. 

The minimum time to Meditate in minutes is the same age of years you are. Ex: 25 year old = 25 min or more 


During Meditation it is Normal to that Ideas, Sensations, Sounds and/or Images will appear to you, IF you find yourself lost & chasing an idea STOP, and let it Go by observing your Breathing again.

Judge Ye Not

No More Judgments

We have no rights to Judge others

Explain Ye Not

No More Explanations

We do not have to Explain ourselves

Nobody has a right to Judge us

Judgments and Explanations enormously deplete the Life-Force

Just jump from one Action to another Action

Just fly from one Experience to another Experience

Become an Adept in the Art and Science of Enjoying all Experiences

Enjoy each and every Experience

Enjoyment of any Experience greatly Enriches the Life-Force

Enjoyment is the by-product of Enlightenment

Enlightenment is the by-product of Meditation

Become an Adept in the Art and Science of Meditation

The Mind is Logical .. the Soul is Magical

Meditation means tasting the Magic of the Soul


is the greatest gift

given by our own efforts

to our own selves and our own lives

Brahmarshi Patriji


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