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idea & Philosophy

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" I know that I do not know, who I am, what I am, where I am. So, I venture in experience of the unknown, the ecstasy of discovery of the new but old, renewed, surprised by my forgetfulness. I play for the fun of it, for the experience of it and at the end its a new beginning. Its all about the experience, It's ALL for Fun.

Why Not ?"



In my view, creation is an infinite expression of Vibrations, Energy, Frequency as Numbers, Geometry & Sound in resonance. Good design - in our view - is that which is in Harmony with the the surrounding Natural Environment & applies what is eternally existing in Practical, Beneficial, Life enforcing forms.



"The Highest degree of Knowledge is knowledge of Self"

It is always a pleasure to collaborate & create a collective partnership of equal value to All members, its aim to spread “Sacred Archetypal Arts” for creating Humanitarian & Cultural connections between different people of the world for the benefit of All. This will be in a form of presenting Knowledge, organizing Gatherings, Music & Dance events, Visual Arts Exhibitions, Private Courses & Sessions and more.

When someone understands her/him self, then & only then Peace is possible. The knowledge & practice we provide help & assist in realizing Ones True Self, which brings Joy, Excitement, Love & Happiness to the individual & creation at large.

Feel Free to check out the page about "Knowledge of the Self"

We're open & welcoming all kinds of collaborations between All people who share the same ideas, principles & direction in Life.

Thank you for taking time to read our thoughts & vision, I would love to connect with you and collaborate. Feel Free to send me a message Here & also you'll find a lot of information to help you in your projects on this website, make sure to check out the other sections.

"May your path be Love, Truth, Beauty, Trust, Peace, Harmony & Gratitude always & forever Welcome."


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