Liberation through Music
Know Your Self & Life Purpose
"It is said that who knows their True Self attains the Elixir of Life, becomes Immortal, knows God, finds true Happiness & lives with passion, purpose, peace & fulfillment in their Life."
"Know your Self & Life purpose" is a personal 3 day course designed to take you closer towards knowing your Self beyond doubt and with absolute clarity and to find your purpose, direction & fulfillment in your life.
The course is based on advanced yet simple knowledge of Truths of the science of our existence as Human beings (The Human Manual) and includes practical daily solutions for discovering the hidden negative causes of undesired situations & experiences, and finding direction in every day decisions.
"Through Knowledge comes Power, Freedom & Peace by understanding."
This course is ONLY for those who are seeking true knowledge, for those who are brave enough to face themselves & willing to do what it takes to find the Gold inside them, for those who really want to know who they really are at the core of their Being, not for those who "think" they already know the answers.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
1) Have a clear & simple - beyond doubt - knowing of the different aspects that make up your Human System & the roll of each aspect, as well as the relationships between each part & another, so that you are fully aware of your Self, have clarity and understanding of how you operate & can make adjustments if needed ,thus live in harmony within yourself & dealing with others.
2) You will have the bigger picture to Life & understand how physical reality operates in deeper ways so you're able to make better decisions for yourself.
3) You will Learn the tools to identify & clear the causes of negative thoughts, emotions & behaviors in your life, when this happens you area able to work through challenges in a systematic & confident way. As a result, daily challenges become easier to overcome & you're able to gain positive benefits from every negative situation you encounter. Life becomes a win-win situation.
4) You shall regain your POWER. Learn how to find your own path that is your personal compass towards your own personal way of happiness & fulfillment instead of following others.
5) You will learn to distinguish between what is truly beneficial for you & what is actually harmful but looks beneficial to you.
and much much more ...
Nine hours course divided into Three days Sessions (3 hours each)
One-On-One sessions
PDF & Print out material
Self Assessment Test
Follow up
Due to the important nature of this work & my intention to share this knowledge with as many people as possible, the price of this course will be set according to the level of income of each individual by agreement.
(If you feel called to know this knowledge & your financial situation is not well get in contact anyways)
Send a message HERE
or Call
+20 114 7717 313
Glad to be of Service to you.
"When we know ourselves we have meaning in life & start enjoying our journey"
About Shaheer please visit: