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Know your True Self

"Know your SELF and you shall find Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, Empowerment, Purpose, Peace, Knowledge, Guidance & God "

There are many layers which construct us as Human Beings, these layers have different functions in our physical human life experience. Currently science has identified only three layers which which make up the "Personality Structure" of our physical experience which are; 1) The Physical layer (Our Body), 2) Emotions layer 3) Physical Mental Layer (Brain).

However as WHOLE beings we have more layers than only these three, we actually have nine layers related to our Physical Human Experience as described by Bashar.


When we understand ourselves we know beyond doubt, Who we are, Why we are Here & what is our purpose in existing, we know Why we suffer, How to relieve ourselves from this suffering & How to navigate our lives with ease & joy, we also know our points of strength & challenges in our lives so may work on them. We know why things are happening and have a clear guidance full of inspiration, creativity & drive in life, life is never the same again, we become alive.

The number one reason of suffering on our planet in our daily lives is greatly regarded due to the mass ignorance of the nature of our construction as Human Beings, for example if you ask someone "Where is your mind located ?" they will most times refer to their Head ! however, what is in the head is the organ called the "Brain" which connects the the Mind with the Body ! ... you see, many people experience many disEases, overthinking, pressure, pain, restlessness, depression & many other negative conditions but do not know why they experience them or how to relieve themselves from suffering without external influences. For this reason it is critically important to know our Self so we may live a happy, fulfilled & healthy lives.

So, in this page we will present you the layers of our Human Being or as sometimes referred to as "The 9 Levels of Consciousness"  and how they interact with each other.

Credits for the illustrations & understanding goes to Bashar (Darryl Anka) from Bashar Communications - find out more at or visit Bashar page here.

Levels of Consciousness

Function of the eGo:

1) Focuses our infinite consciousness energy into physical reality to have a physical experience, Being Here/Now in the present moment.

2) Experiences Physical Reality with the senses (Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste, Hearing, Instinct).

3) The Guard: the eGo functions as a guard, an alert system for the physical body keeping the physical body out of physical life dangers.

more about the eGo Here

Function of the Physical Mind:

The main function of the Physical Mind is to know how things are WORKING Here/Now in every present moment.

- Physical Conscious Mind (Thoughts): Thinks in the waking world

- Physical Sub-Conscious Mind (Emotions): Feels the waking world

- Physical Unconscious Mind (Beliefs):  Convictions about the waking world

The Physical Mind can experience freedom in space (operates the body) but not very much Free in Time ( to see into the past or future)

Function of the Higher Mind:

1) Guides the Physical Mind (the person & ego) through excitement, passion, inspirations, creative ideas ... ect.

2) Connects the Physical Mind / Person to all other forms of Consciousness in the Universe, Spirits, Guides and to God.

3) Plays out the "Theme of exportation" that the Soul chose to experience in this Life Time Physical Experience.

Function of the Heart:

1) The Heart connects the Higher Mind to the Physical Mind.

2) It is the receiver of the energy of the Higher Self, the Individual Soul & Source energy.

3) The Center of Love, Infinite Power & Life to the Person.

A Whole Person = Physical Mind + Higher Mind

How the Higher Mind connects with the Physical Mind

"Imagination is the conduit (connection link) between the Higher Mind & Physical Mind"   - Bashar

The Higher Mind (non-physical Self) sends out a signal, a vibration, an idea, an inspiring though or a vision to the Physical Self, it is received first by the HEART, then sent to the "Physical Mind" which contains our Beliefs, Thoughts & Emotions, these are our Filters which "color" our understanding of life.

If we have Positive Filters - Beliefs/ideas/emotions  ----> We experience Happiness, Joy & Love (Positive Life)

If we have Negative Filters - Beliefs/ideas/emotions ----> We experience Fear, Sadness, Guilt, Shame(Negative Life)


In order to live a positive & happy life a person needs to review & clear any negative Beliefs & ideas within them so that they may start experiencing a positive life. To know how to clear Negative Beliefs please check  "How to Clear Core Negative beliefs" sections on this website.

When we TAKE ACTION and follow our "EXCITEMENT" the inspiring ideas, visions, thoughts or guidance coming from our Higher Mind we are automatically moving in the Positive direction of Happiness, Joy, Fulfillment & success as this brings us closer to being our True Selves and living a much more exciting, purposeful, easy & magical life.

When we don't trust our self, we have doubts & fears we automatically go to the negative side of life and experience suffering, sadness, depression and separation from everything else.

So, How do I follow my excitement exactly ? ... Follow the "The Formula"

The Formula
of an amazing Life

How to live an Extraordinary Life

Continue your Journey of Self Discovery by learning how to

Transform Negativity

Click Here

May All Beings are Free from Suffering & living in joy of their True Self

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