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Liberation through Music

“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, charm and gaiety to life and to everything”
„Wenn Sie die Geheimnisse des Universums entdecken möchten, denken Sie in Bezug auf Energie, Frequenz und Schwingung.“ - Nicola Tesla
“Music is the highest form of Art, it manifests the ever lasting laws of Creation within it”

Ecstatic DJ / Storytelling
- Learn Ecstatic Dance energy wave
- Learn simple Music theory & basics of sound/energy/vibration
- Know the elements of nature in sound (Fire, Earth, Air, Water)
- Discover genres of music & taste of sound
- Know the latest DJ Gear & Software
- Learn the Art/mindset of pro DJs
- Discover the Secrets of International DJs
- Create A Story with your favorite Music
- Dance, Enjoy & have fun
Music Production
w Ableton Live
- Produce Music based on nature Frequencies, nature elements & Ancient universal Laws of Creation
- Study Music Theory & Physics of Sound/Energy/Vibration
- Learn Ableton Live 12
- Learn the 5 secret elements of Music Composition
- Learn the 5 stages of Music Production
- Tips, Tricks &. Producers Secrets
- Compose healing music based on human psychology, chakra energy system, numerology, astrology & Frequency of Light
- Enjoy Learning & have fun

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Ekstatischer Tanz Veranstaltungen ,
Musik & Kunst
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THE video which reveals the secret of Life
Unendliche Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten

Mögen ALLE Wesen Freude, Frieden und Liebe ihrer eigenen Natur finden.
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