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TransForm Negativity

"Know your Self ​& you shall find Happiness,
Purpose, Love, Peace & God"

To transform negativity first we need to know & understand negativity & where it comes from. By identifying the source of negative thoughts, emotions & behaviour in our lives we're able to transform the ROOT causes of so many suffering & misfortunate experiences in our lives.

To start, lets get to know ourselves better by examining the Ego first.

What is The eGo ?

As Human Beings our physical body needs something like an "Operating System" to function in the material world, this operating system is called “eGo” (Energy Go). eGo is our “Physical mind” & without it we have no personality and no physical experience of Life, we basically die, so we need it and it has a very important job to keep us focused in physical reality, there is no reason to hate it or discard it.


The eGo responsibilities are very simple & limited, just to experience the present moment (Here/Now), collecting information about our surrounding environment & enjoying life using the physical "Senses” (Smell, Sight, Touch, Taste, Feeling), however the way most people in this age are taught to use the physical mind (eGo) is to control their life which creates a huge pressure on the "physical mind", it becomes resentment, and you end up with Negative eGo. eGo is NOT designed to function in this way.

In this Page you are offered a chance, a very high tech & efficient technique to transform Negative eGo with negative life experiences into positive eGo with positive life experiences.





Positive eGo & Negative eGo
- Positive eGo is when we are Happy. Cooperative, allowing & Peaceful.

- Negative eGo is when we are Sad, Selfish, Limiting & Fearful.



The eGo in general operates using BELIEFS.
Beliefs are like different "applications" that gives us

various experiences inside the "operating system" (eGo)
(BeLief = Be Life)

If we beLieve in Positive things we are using the Positive (+) eGo, thus we have a positive Experience

If we beLieve in negative things we operate using Negative (-) eGo, thus we have a negative Experience


Negative eGo is the cause of ALL suffering, disEase, trauma, addictions, illusions, sadness & suffering in peoples' lives, it can literally drive people crazy & might even lead to death.

Be Aware

Because the negative eGo is limiting us, it will try everything in its power to distract us from letting it go. It uses tricks, lies, and misleads in ways like saying 'I can do it later', 'its not time' not important, 'if you do the transformation you may die' or 'something bad might happen if you let it go', it can try anything to convince you NOT to let it go, and not to make the following process because it designed this way, Limiting, it also wants to live just like anything else wants to live, but this negative eGo lives feeding of your energy & making you sick, unhappy & miserable so,

just be aware of this, DO NOT POSTPOND THE WORK, there is nothing to fear.


Please Remember,

All you will do is achieve happiness, fulfilment, success & peace, you'll know more about your Self, there is nothing to fear.

You are much more powerful than any negative eGo you believe you are.


Transformation of Negative Beliefs happens with a simple 3 step process explained in the next section below, but first ... We need to know What are Negative Core Beliefs ?



Presence, Physical Experience, Observing, Being, In Bliss

Positive eGo





Positive Beliefs

Negative eGo






Negative Beliefs

What are “Negative Core Beliefs” (NCB)?


NCB are hidden limiting beliefs, thoughts, destructive patterns of thinking, false assumptions & Illusions that are not true about our True Nature as Infinite Beings. Simply illusions & fears that are not how we really are. We as human beings have learned or subconsciously caught them from past experiences, society, family, school or doctrines ... ect. Core Beliefs in general (positive or negative) are the base foundation which creates our physical experience of Life, after comes feelings, thoughts & actions.


Belief = Be.Lief = Be Life


These NCB are the roots of trauma / drama in our lives, in many situations with different people and in different places because they block our energy of Love / Life to flow thus trigger something inside us that is not resolved & not flowing. NCB are often hidden from our conscious mind and do not want to be discovered because these negative ideas feed of our life energy.

When we discover the NCB we have a chance to let them go & transform them into positive ones because they no longer serve us in a beneficial way, when we do this we stop suffering and start shining our Natural True Self, we start to enjoy a bright, beautiful, meaningful & happy life.


Identifying / Being Aware of the Negative Core Belief is the END of transformation, your conscious awareness of their existence and choosing an alternative is All it takes for you to heal, a simple choice, just to discover them is what is required because they are hidden. When we become aware of the negative beliefs and realize it doesn't make sense to keep holding on to them, they go away & this is the End of the healing, end of transformation. If the patterns still appear or you are still triggered by the same things it means you did not discover the CORE belief, it was a secondary belief, keep digging.

Negative Core Beliefs are the root case of every diseases, every suffering & every negative thought, emotion & action in Life as well as misfortune.




The 3
to transforming
“Negative Core Beliefs”

credits goes to Bashar

STEP #1:
Identify what is bothering you, what is making you afraid, upset, angry, sad or unhappy in your daily life and write it down as a Clear Sentence.

Example 1: I'm angry because this situation happened/ing to me.
Example 2: I'm afraid that if this happens I will be feeling this way.

STEP #2:
Ask yourself the following questions in an repeating “iterative” way, iterative means when you get an answer you ask the question again & again & again until you get to the negative CORE negative belief


What would I “believe” about myself to have this situation / experience / feeling?

What do I believe / think I am? How do I see /view myself ?

Who is a person that would experience this situation or feeling ?
If I am ...... I believe
I am what ?

What do I “believe” will happen if I allow myself to be 100% the person I prefer to be?

What am I afraid will happen?



Its always about YOU, how do YOU see YOURSELF is what determines which Reality/experience you will live.


STEP #3:

When you ask the questions and get an answer over & over again you will reach to a point where the last answer you write “does NOT make sense to you” ... STOP, this is your “Negative Core Belief” this is the End of the process. Now you have discovered a hidden negative belief or idea that you thought is beneficial in some way to you but it's really harmful !!! Now you have the Power & choice not to belief it, let it go & replace it with a positive belief or affirmation that would serve you in a positive way in your life.

Few Tips about transforming your "Negative Core Beliefs ":


1- Your Negative eGo can keep procrastinating/delaying you from staring to Heal, postponing you from starting this process of letting it go. It can use every trick & lie & fear to prevent you from discovering it. Be STRONG & ruthless like a warrior and start to make the process.

2- When you make the process & finished then you find that you still have the same patterns or you're still reacting to the same triggers the same it means you did not find the CORE belief & you must dig deeper.

3- when you finish the process you will feel much better, if you don't feel better then this is not the end.

4- Rest, make yourself very comfortable, treat yourself super well & be gentle with yourself when you're doing this work.

5- The faster you make the process the sooner your life starts to shine & everything is clear & in perfect harmony.

6- Make as much as you can per day until it feels ok to stop. Don't push too much.

"To completely transform your experience of Life,
transform your Beliefs about how you see yourself in any moment"     - Shaheer

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